


Our magic


Customer manual

About us

Price estimate

For a fast and smooth workflow we recommend using our Price estimate form, which can save you  a lot of time in communication. We welcome additional attachments, such as drawings, assignment sketches, photos of the area, reference pictures etc. For complex visualization project, of course, sketch is usually not quite enough and you have to send additional materials (especially drawings or 3D model). We would also like to emphasize that the sketch is definitely not a necessary part of the assignment. However if you have a clear vision, we recommend  that  you use  this  option.




Your sketch is a tool which can help us to better understand your goal and which can take many forms (but should be very simple and rough).  It could be a ground plan in which the arrows indicate the angles of the view, but you can also send a perspective drawing, in which, besides the point of view, you will indicate other requirements such as entourage (kids, nurses, animals, serious faces or laughing etc.), sky (weather), backgrounds, materials and any other wishes you may have. Similarly useful can be notes drawn and written directly into  the visualisation  drafts we  will  send  you.

The resulting cost of the project depends on many factors (character, scope, complexity of the model, quantity of outputs, supplied materials, number of consultations, requested entourage, processing speed, etc.) that are included in the Price estimate form. Based on this, we will send you an price and time estimate as soon as possible. We strongly believe you will find it interesting and we will be looking forward to working with you.

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